State Team Tryouts (and other news)

9 Nov 2023 by Jonathan SAW

State Team Tryouts:

State Team tryouts begin this Saturday at 9:30am. The tryouts are open to all players at Canning Cougars. We will be looking for players with great skills, a great team ethos and the ability to listen and learn to develop further. Players need to present in person to Diamond 5. Parents who have questions will be able to speak to committee members at the same time. Can coaches and managers please make sure your team is aware of the tryouts this Saturday.

Warren Lake Carnival:

The Warren Lake Carnival is being held on Sunday December 3rd. This carnival is open to club teams across the state and is a fun day and a great way to get some extra practice against similar teams from other clubs. Each team plays 4 games that are only 40 mins long. Nominations close next Wednesday! So if you are interested or have some players interested please speak to me on Saturday or send me an email soon. Canning Cougars will pay the nomination fees for all teams.

Twilight Game:

Wednesday 15th November brings our first twilight game of the season. The games start at 5:30. The canteen is open for soft drinks only. So please bring a picnic and enjoy an evening of t-ball as the sun sets over the Canning River. Just remember to pack your mozzie spray!


We have a very well stocked and maintained (thanks Daniel!) equipment store. If any team needs replacement equipment or different sized helmets and bats please see Daniel before 8am on a Saturday. We also have plenty of cold packs. If you use one and need a replacement please go to the store room. Please check your kit bags and make sure you have the right equipment for the kids in your team.

General Meeting:

We will be holding a general meeting on Tuesday Dec 12th
in the Clubhouse at 7pm.

There is a proposal to change the date of our AGM from the second half of the year to a more suitable time during our season. If you have any ideas to share or are interested in helping in some way please come along. All members are welcome.