
State Team Tryouts

Sat, 31 Oct 2015
from 11:00am to 1:00pm

by Aaron CHAPMAN
Posted: over 8 years ago
Updated: over 8 years ago by Aaron Chapman
Visible to: public

Time zone: Perth
Reminder: 30 minutes before
Ends: 01:00pm (duration is about 2 hours)

Come and try out for the State Team.

If your kid(s) love tee-ball and have a reasonable skill level then come to the state team tryouts.

On the day we’ll gauge the interest and put teams together at different levels (depending on numbers, age and skill). As always parent participation is essential to operate our State team(s) so please volunteer to help as coach, manager, umpire, base coaches, scorer, batboy or however you can.

In previous years we have fielded one or two teams (normally U12 and U10) with some highly skilled younger members playing with higher age groups. Unfortunately team sizes are limited so some kids may miss out.

The State teams will have an extra training session each week and compete at the TBAWA Lightning Carnival Day (6 December 2015) and TBAWA State Championships Weekend (5-7 March 2016).

All state games contribute to the player’s game count and milestone badges.

Although the games are played competitively at a high level, at our club the main focus is on enjoying the game and having fun. However joining the team is a commitment to attend training and participate fully.

Coaches, managers and player selection will be worked out in the following few weeks.

If you can’t make the tryouts and want to be involved please contact:

Adam Boyes (Cale Boyes – L3 Rippers)
0418 687 927

Hope to see you there!


Centenary Park, Centenary Ave, Wilson WA 6107, Australia